2014年4月15日 星期二

graffiti street art, Banksy, secretive underground guerilla artist. 塗鴉街頭藝術, 班克斯, 神秘的地下游擊藝術家

A piece of new graffiti street art, claimed to be by the secretive underground guerilla artist Banksy, which appeared on the side of a house in Cheltenham this weekend, is seen on April 14, 2014 in Gloucestershire, England. The artwork, which shows three stencil figures listening into a conversation in an existing telephone box, is just a few miles away from Government Communications Headquaters (GCHQ). (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
Photos April 14: Top images from around the world
APRIL 14: A boy walks past a piece of new graffiti street art, claimed to be by the secretive underground guerilla artist Banksy, which appeared on the side of a house in Cheltenham in Gloucestershire, England. The artwork, which shows three stencil figures listening into a conversation in an existing telephone box, is just a few miles away from Government Communications Headquaters (GCHQ), which is responsible for providing intelligence and information assurance to the British Government and Armed Forces. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
Pictures of the Week: 04.13 — 04.19 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
El mural fue hallado el domingo en la ciudad inglesa de Cheltenham, donde está el centro de escuchas británico GCHQ, y el dibujo ha sido atribuido al artista Bansky, según la prensa local. El mural muestra a tres hombres vestidos con gabardinas y sombreros, el típico perfil del espía de los pasados años cincuenta, junto a una cabina de la compañía de telecomunicaciones BT y portando unos cables con los que intentan escuchar una conversación telefónica. EFE/Neil Munns - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/3#sthash.zVpyH29U.dpuf
Polly Dreezer, aged three, points to graffiti art on a wall near the headquarters of Britain's eavesdropping agency, Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham, western England.
April 16, 2014
"No Ball Games" (No a los juegos de pelota) del artista británico de grafitis, Banksy, que forma parte de la exposición "Stealing Banksy" (Robando a Banksy) en Londres. (EFE) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.6TTYjDrN.dpuf
Construction workers to put the final piece of 'No Ball Games' by the street artist Banksy into place, where it will go on show during the 'Stealing Banksy?' exhibition at the ME Hotel on The Strand on April 24, 2014 in London, England.
Street Artist Banksy Calls Exhibition in London 'Disgusting' - NBC News.com

Urban Dictionary: Guerilla Art
Guerilla art is any art developed in public spaces — that is, "in the streets"
裝置藝術 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
錄影藝術(Video art)
普普藝術(Pop art)
游擊藝術(Guerilla art)
互動藝術(Interactive art)
行為藝術(Performance art)
媒體藝術(Media art)
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