2014年4月7日 星期一

Rio Police and Marines, Slum. 里約熱內盧警察和海軍陸戰隊, 貧民窟

Members of the paramilitary police elite unit patrol the Favela da Mare complex.AFP
A paramilitary police helicopter flies over the Favela da Mare  AFP
Brazilian Navy troops enter the Complexo da Mare, one of the largest favela complexes in Rio. Getty
A member of Brazil's Special Operations Battalion (BOPE) looks for drugs and weapons in the Mare. Reuters
Young girls watch a BOPE special unit sniper secure the area ahead of the major police operation. AFP
Brazilian marines in an armoured personnel carrier patrol the Nueva Holanda favela, part of the Favela da Mare complex. AFP
A child plays with a dog. AFP
People walk past a polluted stream in the Favela da Mare complex. AFP
Children lead a horse through the Mare slums complex. Getty
Children sit on a sofa on a street in the favela complex. AFP
An aerial view of part of the Mare slums  Reuters
Rio Police and Marines Occupy Massive Mare Favela Slum in World Cup Security Operation
APRIL 5: A soldier enters to occupy the Mare slum complex in Rio de Janeiro. More than 2,000 soldiers moved into the area Saturday in a bid to improve security and drive out the heavily armed drug gangs that have ruled the sprawling slum for decades. (Felipe Dana/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 03.30 — 04.05 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
Miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas brasileñas participan en un operativo en el complejo de favelas de Maré, en Río de Janeiro, el último gran bastión del narcotráfico, que había sido ocupado por la policía militarizada sin resistencia en la madrugada del pasado domingo, y se quedarán hasta el final del Mundia de Fútbol Brasil 014. EFE/ Marcelo Sayão - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/6#sthash.D9lOhV9S.dpuf
Marines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
海軍陸戰隊 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
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