2014年7月22日 星期二

luxury cruise ship Costa Concordia, 豪華遊輪歌詩達協和號

A worker sprays water on a deck of the luxury cruise ship Costa Concordia as the vessel is refloated and almost ready to be towed away from the tiny Tuscan island of Isola del Giglio, Italy, early Tuesday, July 22, 2014. The wreck of the Costa Concordia is expected to be towed to the Italian port of Genoa on Wednesday, where it will be scrapped. 32 people died when it slammed into the reef and started capsizing. The body of one victim is still missing. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
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Photos of the day - July 22, 2014
Riccardo Antimiani/EPA
People watch as the wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia is towed by tugs from Giglio after being refloated, in Isola del Giglio, Italy. The ship is bound for it’s home port of Genoa where it will be dismantled. The Costa Concordia capsized at the island of Giglio in 2012 killing 32 passengersRead more
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