2014年7月21日 星期一

Scopes “Monkey” trial, 斯科普斯“猴子”審判

1925 Scopes trial: American teacher John Thomas Scopes (1900 - 1970) (2nd from L) standing in the courtroom during his trial for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution in his high school science class, Dayton, Tennessee. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: Headshot portrait of American science teacher John Thomas Scopes in 1932, who was tried for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution to a Tennessee high school science class. (Photo by American Stock/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: American lawyer and politician William Jennings Bryan (1860 - 1925) argues for the prosecution during the Scopes 'Monkey Trial,' Dayton, Tennessee, 1925. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: A look at the jury in the Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee in 1925. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: American defense attorney Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) smokes a cigarette between his teeth while reading through a pile of mail during the Scopes 'monkey trial' at a courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee. Darrow unsuccessfully defended teacher John Scopes' right to teach evolution in a public high school in Tennessee. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: An unidentified man standing with attorney Clarence Darrow (1857 - 1938) (R) at the time of the Scopes Monkey Trial, in which Darrow was defending Tennessee high school teacher John T Scopes (far left). Scopes was placed on trial for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution to his students. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes Trial: Judge John Raulston, presiding at the trial of The State of Tennessee vs. John Scopes ('The Monkey Trial),' at the radiophone, Dayton, Tennessee, July 1925. It was the first trial in the United States to be broadcast over the radio. (Photo by Underwood Archives/Getty Images)
1925 Scopes Trial: The jury and judge John T. Raulston (standing at far right) on the steps of a building during the 'Scopes Monkey Trial' in which school teacher John Scopes was prosecuted for teaching the theory of evolution in violation of Tennessee's Butler Act, Dayton, Tennessee, July 1925. (Photo by Getty Images)
1925 Scopes trial: High-angle view of Clarence Darrow (1857 - 1938) defense lawyer (right) questioning William Jennings Bryan (1860 - 1925), director of the prosecution, about the Bible during the Scopes 'Monkey Trial', Dayton, Tennessee. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
2013: In this Sept. 17, 2013 photo, pro-science supporters rally prior to a State Board of Education public hearing on proposed new science textbooks, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)
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Anniversary of the famous Scopes "Monkey" trial

Scopes Trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Scopes Monkey Trial,
猴子審判 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
1925年3月23日美國田納西州頒布法令,禁止在課堂上講授「演化論」。美國公民自由聯盟便尋求一位自願在法庭上驗證這條法律的田納西教師,於是製造了轟動整個美國乃至整個世界的歷史性事件:「猴子審判」(Monkey trial)。又因涉案的教師名叫斯科普斯(John Thomas Scopes)所以也叫「斯科普斯案」(Scopes Case)。

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