2014年8月1日 星期五

a previously uncontacted tribe, 以前未接觸過的部落

Two members of a previously uncontacted tribe stand on the bank of the Envira river. Photograph: Reuters
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Amazon tribe makes 'first contact' with outside world – video | World news | theguardian.com
Picture released on July 30, 2014 by Brazil's Fundacao Nacional do Indio (FUNAI) indigenous affaires department shows a group of isolated Amazonian natives on the banks of the Envira River, Acre state, Brazil (AFP Photo/)
Picture released on July 30, 2014 by Brazil's Fundacao Nacional do Indio (FUNAI) indigenous affaires department shows a group of isolated Amazonian natives on the banks of the Envira River, Acre state, Brazil (AFP Photo/)
Picture released on July 30, 2014 by Brazil's Fundacao Nacional do Indio (FUNAI) indigenous affaires department shows a group of isolated Amazonian natives on the banks of the Envira River, Acre state, Brazil (AFP Photo/)
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Isolated Amazonian tribe makes contact with outside - Yahoo News
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Amazonian rainforest tribe makes contact with outside world after suffering violence and illness - Americas - World - The Independent
Amazon tribe makes first contact with outside world | Environment | The Guardian
【亚马逊原住民画面曝光】世界上还有人这样过活着 | Giga Circle
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