2015年1月10日 星期六

Molotov cocktail, riot police armoured personnel carrier, Bahrain. 汽油彈, 防暴警察裝甲運兵車

Hamad Mohammed/Reuters
Molotov explosion in Sitra
A Molotov cocktail which was thrown by protesters explodes on a riot police armoured personnel carrier at a highway in the village of Sitra, south of Manama, Bahrain. Several demonstrations calling for the release of Sheikh Ali Salman, head of the al-Wefaq Islamic Society. Clashes with riot police took place across the country, local media reported. Ali Salman was arrested on December 28, 2014. Salman’s lawyer Abdulla al-Shamlawi told Reuters he had been formally charged by the public prosecutor with inciting a change of government by force, inciting hatred of a segment of society, inciting others to break the law and publicly insulting the Interior Ministry.
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