2015年1月14日 星期三

Pilgrim, Devotee, Participant, 朝聖者, 皈依者, 參與者

Muslim participants gesture from a departing train following the conclusion of the World Muslim Congregation, also known as Biswa Ijtema, at Tongi, on the outskirts of the Bangladesh capital Dhaka.
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January 11, 2015
Sheng Li/Reuters
Pilgrims return from Bishwa Ijtema
Devotees return to central Dhaka after attending the final prayers of the first phase of Bishwa Ijtema. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims congregated in Tongi, a township in the north of Bangladesh’s capital, as the first phase of this year’s Bishwa Ijtema, one of the biggest Muslim gatherings in the world, came to an end.
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