2015年3月11日 星期三

Myanmar police beat students with batons and detained, education bill. 緬甸警察用警棍毆打學生及拘留, 教育法案

Police hit a student protester during violence in Letpadan March 10, 2015. Myanmar police beat students with batons and detained some of them as they broke up a group of about 200 protesters who had been locked in a standoff with security forces for more than a week, a Reuters witness said. The students were protesting an education bill they say stifles academic independence, and a group of them set out on foot from the central city of Mandalay more than a month ago in a symbolic protest. They made it as far as Letpadan, a town north of Yangon, where police blockaded them behind vehicles and barriers made of wood and barbed wire. (REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun)
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Photos of the day - March 10, 2015
Police hit a student protester in Letpadan. Myanmar police beat students with batons and detained some of them as they broke up a group of about 200 protesters who had been locked in a standoff with security forces for more than a week, a Reuters witness said. The students were protesting an education bill they say stifles academic independence.
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March 10, 2015
Soe Than Win/AFP
Myanmar student protest
Myanmar student protesters and nationalists clash with riot police during a march in Letpadan town, some 130km (80 miles) north of Myanmar’s main city on Tuesday. Student protesters have embarked on months of demonstrations calling for education reform, but plans by a core group to march to Yangon have been halted by police in the dusty central town of Letpadan
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FT Photo Diary | The Financial Times picture desk showcases the best images from around the world
La policía de Myanmar golpeó a estudiantes, monjes y periodistas con bastones y detuvo a cerca de 100 personas el martes al dispersar una protesta de manifestantes que pedían libertad académica y que habían estado enfrentando a las fuerzas de seguridad por más de una semana. Cerca de 200 estudiantes y simpatizantes han protestado contra un proyecto de ley educativo que afirman que reprime la independencia académica. (Reuters) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/3#sthash.eKRHqdAZ.dpuf
Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters
Barred in Myanmar
Student protesters try to speak to their family members from a prison vehicle as they are transported to a court in Letpadan. Myanmar’s opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) demanded an inquiry on Wednesday into clashes between police and protesters in which students, monks and journalists were beaten with batons and more than 100 people were arrested
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FT Photo Diary | The Financial Times picture desk showcases the best images from around the world

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