2015年3月9日 星期一

Selma, Marcher, Nonviolent protestor, Civil Rights demonstration, 1965 Voting Rights Act, Edmund Pettus Bridge, Silhouette image. 塞爾瑪, 遊行者, 非暴力抗議者, 民權示威, 1965 投票權法案, 艾德蒙佩特斯橋, 剪影圖像

In 1965, King led thousands of nonviolent protestors on a march through Selma to the state capitol. Winfrey said the marchers remember 'Martin Luther King as an idea, Selma as an idea and what can happen with strategy, with discipline and with love.'
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Stars of ‘Selma’ march to honor MLK Jr. Day - NY Daily News
Thousands march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge along with members of the cast of the movie “Selma” in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 18, 2015 in Selma, Alabama. In 1965, King led thousands of nonviolent protestors on a march through Selma to the state capitol in a historic Civil Rights demonstration. (Photo by Sean Gardner/Getty Images)
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Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Selma and beyond
Thousands march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge along with members of the cast of the movie Selma in honour of Rev Martin Luther King Jr on Sunday. In 1965, King led thousands of non-violent protesters on a march through Selma to the state capitol in a historic civil rights demonstration.
Photograph: Sean Gardner/Getty Images
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Martin Luther King weekend events from Selma to Ferguson – in pictures | US news | The Guardian
Sean Gardner / Getty Images
Hundreds march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge as the sun sets.
Paras Griffin / Getty Image
Marchers cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
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'Selma' Stars Honor MLK by Crossing Infamous Bridge - NBC News.com
A view of marchers as they assemble on the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Sunday.
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Stars of ‘Selma’ march to honor MLK Jr. Day - NY Daily News

「逐夢大道」塞爾瑪遊行50週年 歐巴馬:民權運動未竟全功 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
投票權法案(1965 Voting Rights Act)
艾德蒙佩特斯橋(Edmund Pettus Bridge)
「血腥星期日」50年 四萬人紀念黑人民運 | 蘋果日報 | 兩岸國際 | 20150309

est100 一些攝影(some photos): Silhouette image, 剪影圖像
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