Modern: A group of young Iranians laugh as they wear fancy dress costumes at a party where they drink alcohol, kiss and dance
How Iran's hardline Islamic image is being slowly erased from within | Daily Mail Online
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est100 一些攝影(some photos):
attire, costume, outfit, clothing, dress. 盛装, 演出服/ 傳統服, 全套服, 衣服, 禮服/連衣裙
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張貼留言 (Atom)
- Victoria's Secret, 維多利亞的秘密
- A girl stands in a queue, container, makeshift she...
- Houthis, Shia fighter. 胡塞, 什葉派戰士
- Unrest, in Baltimore. 騷亂, 巴爾的摩
- Susan Morrison, White House pastry chef, dessert. ...
- dock, in Boston. 碼頭
- X-rays, Burmese python, alligator. X光, 緬甸巨蟒, 鱷魚
- Photocrowd, international travel photography conte...
- Two little piglets got to know each other. 兩隻小豬仔彼此認識
- Climate Change, Prediction, UN. 氣候變遷, 預測
- 'Fifty Shades of Grey', '五十度灰'/ '格雷的五十道色戒'/ '格雷的五十...
- Dakota Johnson, 达科塔·约翰逊/ 達柯塔強生
- Barack Obama, 奥巴马/ 歐巴馬
- US President Barack Obama, Japanese Prime Minister...
- Jess Glynne 傑斯·格萊茵
- Jan Koum, WhatsApp. 庫姆
- open air pools, in Berlin. 露天游泳池
- sandstorm, in Wujiaqu, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous ...
- Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. 荷蘭王后麥西瑪
- 26th Asean Summit, 第26屆東盟峰會
- Rescue operations in Nepal, 尼泊爾的救援行動
- performer, against fracking, in central London, UK...
- pregnant Catherine, Street art of the Duchess of C...
- April fair, sevillana dresses, in Seville, souther...
- South African police officers conduct searches and...
- wheelchair, 輪椅
- reclamation site, South China Sea. 填海區
- cheetah, tortoise. 獵豹, 烏龜
- horseshoe-shaped glass floor walkway, panoramic vi...
- 'wave of snow' , avalanche, Mount Everest. 雪崩, 埃非勒...
- fallen monument, Nepal. 倒下的紀念建築物
- Maine Coon, 緬因貓
- cat cafe, in Amsterdam. 貓咖啡廳, 阿姆斯特丹
- Indian Muslim devotee, 印度穆斯林信徒
- "Grand vase aux danseurs", Grand vase, Pablo Picas...
- Rebel fighter, Islamist insurgent. 反抗軍戰士, 伊斯蘭反抗分子
- helmet, biker, motorbike, in Moscow, Russia. 頭盔, 騎...
- Nicolás Maduro, mango. 尼古拉斯·马杜罗/ 馬杜羅, 芒果
- Eric Chu, 朱立倫
- Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George. 查爾斯...
- Nick Clegg, 尼克·克萊格
- Michelle Obama, curly hairstyle. 米歇尔·奥巴马/ 蜜雪兒歐巴馬, ...
- Sophia Bush, 蘇菲亞布希
- Dan Fredinburg, 丹·弗萊丁伯格/ 佛瑞迪柏格
- Avalanche, Everest. 雪崩, 埃非勒斯峰/ 珠穆朗玛峰/ 珠峰/ 聖母峰
- Debris, 碎片/殘骸/ 廢物堆
- Emergency worker, Rescuer, Volunteer, bystander. 急...
- Strong earthquake shake Nepal, aftershock. 強烈地震撼動尼...
- Swordfish, in the capital Mogadishu. 劍魚/ 劍旗魚
- street artist, 街頭藝人
- Striptease, Strip show, Funeral. 脫衣舞, 脫衣秀, 葬禮
- dog grooming, 狗美容
- Hubble Space Telescope, 哈勃空间望远镜/ 哈伯太空望遠鏡
- Lei Jun, Hugo Barra. 雷軍, 雨果·巴拉
- "Nao", humanoid robot. 人型机器人
- Ed Miliband, 米利班德/ 米勒班
- Nigel Farage, 法拉吉
- Nicola Sturgeon, 斯特金/ 史特強
- Angelina Jolie, 安吉丽娜·朱莉/ 安潔莉娜·裘莉
- presidential and legislative elections, in Kharto...
- mural, 壁畫
- suspension bridge, 吊橋
- Nepal quake, earthquake, in the capital Kathmandu....
- An Egyptian youth carries a lit flare. 埃及青年攜帶點燃的火炬
- faucet, 水龍頭
- Apple Store, line up, in mainland China. 蘋果商店, 排隊,...
- Robot, RoboCup German Open 2015, in Magdeburg, Ger...
- cousin, victim, Sandy Hook School shooting. 表親, 受害...
- Pouring water, Orthodox Easter, in Lviv, Ukraine. ...
- Anti-xenophobia activist, xenophobic attacks, in S...
- reef fish, in Hong Kong. 珊瑚魚
- barefoot, 赤腳
- Robin Hood's Tree, Sycamore Gap, on Hadrian’s Wal...
- Volcan Calbuco, Chile. 卡爾布科火山
- Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy. 安潔莉娜裘莉, 特使
- Xi Jinping, selfie. 習近平, 自拍
- TIME 100 Gala, 時代雜誌百人榜晚宴
- Comedian Amy Schumer, 喜劇演員艾米·舒默
- Emma Watson, TIME 100 Gala. 艾玛·沃特森/ 艾瑪華森, 時代雜誌百人榜晚宴
- David Cameron, 卡梅伦/ 卡麥隆
- Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner...
- Russian President Vladimir Putin, Argentine Presid...
- Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, 費南德茲
- Lorette Lynch, 林奇
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, India's Prime Min...
- Prince Abdul Malik, wedding, Brunei's Sultan Hassa...
- village, uninhabitable place. 村莊, 不適人居的地方
- leftist protester, tear gas, water cannons, armour...
- hammock, 吊床
- aircraft contrail, 飛機凝結尾
- kitten, in downtown Shanghai. 小貓
- Baby owl, talon. 貓頭鷹寶寶, 爪
- Warren Keelan, Australia's coastline, 澳大利亞的海岸線
- Pole Dance, 鋼管舞
- Ukrainian coal miners, Banging their helmets. 烏克蘭煤...
- Children play cricket, India. 小孩玩板球
- Russian soldiers march, Victory Day Parade. 俄羅斯士兵行...
- Skyline, in Bangkok, Thailand. 天際線, 曼谷
- regional campaign launch, 地方活動啟動儀式
- Tank, Armoured Corps memorial. 坦克, 裝甲軍團紀念館