2015年5月16日 星期六

Children walk over rubble, Syrian airstrikes. 兒童走在瓦礫上, 敘利亞空襲

Amer Almohibany/Reuters
Syrian airstrikes
Children walk over rubble carrying a bag of bread after airstrikes by warplanes loyal to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in Erbeen, in the eastern Damascus suburb of Ghouta on Friday
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Ruins, Debris, wreckage, Clearing rubble, in Nepal. 廢墟, 廢物堆, 碎片, 清理瓦礫
wreckage, debris, rubble, remnant, ruins. 殘骸, 碎片/殘骸, 碎石/ 瓦礫, 殘餘, 廢墟
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