2015年5月17日 星期日

Mahmoud Abbas, 阿巴斯

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Pope Francis greets Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas following a canonisation ceremony for two 19th century nuns - the first new saints from the Holy Land since the early days of Christianity
Pope Francis praises Mahmoud Abbas as he canonises two Palestinian nuns | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3085206/Pope-Francis-calls-Palestinian-leader-Mahmoud-Abbas-angel-peace-two-19th-century-nuns-Catholic-Church-s-Arabic-speaking-saints.html#ixzz3aQnzeYs3
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Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, kaffiyeh around his shoulders, by a poster of former PA leader Yasser Arafat, kaffiyeh on head. Photo by: Reuters
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The history of the kaffiyeh: From proto-hat to symbol of pride - Features - - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
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