2015年5月10日 星期日

Victory Day military parade, in Red Square, in Moscow. 勝利日閱兵, 紅場, 莫斯科

Russian serviceman march during the Victory Day parade, on a day when Russia showcased its new military hardware
Russia stages biggest ever Victory Day military parade | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3074519/Putin-Tanks-rumble-Red-Square-Russia-stages-biggest-Victory-Day-military-parade-Western-leaders-stay-away.html#ixzz3ZkggZUWO
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La Russie célèbre sur la place Rouge la victoire sur l’Allemagne nazie en 1945 et montre sa puissance militaire au monde

Chinese troops march in Moscow's Red Square during a Victory Day military parade Saturday celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Soviet role in the defeat of Nazi Germany. | AFP-JIJI
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China invites Russian troops to march in World War II parade | The Japan Times
 (Nguồn: Sputnuk)
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Lính Trung Quốc cũng duyệt binh mừng Ngày chiến thắng Phátxít ở Nga - Vietnam Plus
Yahoo News Photos  http://yahoonewsphotos.tumblr.com/
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La Russie célèbre sur la place Rouge la victoire sur l’Allemagne nazie en 1945 et montre sa puissance militaire au monde
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Putin Takes Swipe at U.S. in Massive Red Square Military Parade - NBC News.com
Dmitry Muratov | VK  http://vk.com/id141504314
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La Russie célèbre sur la place Rouge la victoire sur l’Allemagne nazie en 1945 et montre sa puissance militaire au monde
 (Nguồn: Sputnik)
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Lính Trung Quốc cũng duyệt binh mừng Ngày chiến thắng Phátxít ở Nga - Vietnam Plus
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