2015年9月17日 星期四

Migrant crisis, 移民危機

A woman and child stand at the border line after Hungarian police officers closed access to the railway track between Serbia and Hungary in Roszke, southern Hungary in Roszke, Monday, Sept. 14, 2015. Hungary, are set to introduce much harsher border controls at midnight â laws that would send smugglers to prison and deport migrants who cut under Hungary's new razor-wire border fence. The country's leader was emphatically clear that they were designed to keep the migrants out. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
Photos of the day - September 14, 2015
Syrian migrants rest under a tree during their walk towards the Greece border on a road near Edirne, Turkey, September 15, 2015. Turkish security forces stopped hundreds of people, mainly Syrians, from marching towards western Turkey's border with Greece on Tuesday in a bid to reach Europe, potentially opening up a new front in the escalating migrant crisis. (REUTERS/Osman Orsal)
Photos of the day - September 15, 2015
A migrant boy pulls tents on the road near the "Horgos 2" border crossing into the Hungary, near Horgos, Serbia, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015. Hungary has declared a state of emergency in two of its southern counties bordering Serbia because of the migration crisis, giving special powers to police and other authorities. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)
Photos of the day - September 15, 2015
Los 5.500 euros que pagaron por cruzar en barcaza, 1.000 euros cada uno, acabaron con sus reservas. Ahora ya no hay para comida, agua o para tomar un bús o un taxi para recorrer la distancia que les separa de su destino final: Alemania. Los refugiados viajan en barcaza hasta Grecia y cruzan la frontera macedonia, donde esperan coger un tren que les lleve a Serbia. En los dos últimos meses, unos 40.000 refugiados e inmigrantes, el 70% de ellos sirios según la ONU, habrían llegado a la república ex yugoslava tras cruzar en zodiac hasta el país heleno. (AFP) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/9#sthash.eJ3JAGuA.dpuf
Un migrante herido lleva a un niño en sus brazos durante los enfrentamientos con la policía antidisturbios húngara en el cruce fronterizo con Serbia en Röszke, Hungría, el 16 de septiembre de 2015. La policía húngara disparó gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua a migrantes que exigian que se les permita entrar desde Serbia. (REUTERS / Karnok Csaba) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/2#sthash.LnBMs0pp.dpuf
Hungría declaró el estado de emergencia el martes en dos condados del sur del país que hacen frontera con Serbia por la crisis migratoria, dando poderes especiales a la policía y otras autoridades. Serbia advirtió que no aceptará a los refugiados que Hungría intente devolverle “a la fuerza”, después de que Budapest estableciera que el vecino del sur es un país seguro al que pueden retornar los demandantes de asilo. (EFE) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/7#sthash.4HuiJLbu.dpuf
Syrian refugees walk towards Greece's border with Macedonia, near the Greek village of Idomeni, September 14, 2015. Of the record total of 432,761 refugees and migrants making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year, an estimated 309,000 people had arrived by sea in Greece, the International Organization for Migration (IMO) said on Friday. About half of those crossing the Mediterranean are Syrians fleeing civil war, according to the United Nations refugee agency. (REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis)
A young man flashes a victory sign as he arrives with another migrant at a temporary holding center for migrants early in the morning near the border between Serbia and Hungary in Roszke, southern Hungary, Monday, Sept. 14, 2015. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)
Photos of the day - September 14, 2015
Migrants walk along rail tracks on sunset close to a migrant collection point in Roszke, Hungary September 12, 2015. (REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh)
Photos of the day - September 12, 2015
Sakis Mitrolidis/AFP
Crossing borders
Migrants and refugees wait under the rain to cross the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, in northern Greece on Thursday
European Union | FT Photo Diary
A woman carries a baby as she goes through a police cordon in Tovarnik, Croatia, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015. Hundreds of migrants have pushed through police lines in the eastern Croatian town of Tovarnik, with people trampling and falling on each other amid the chaos, as more than 2,000 men, women and children were stuck at the local train station for hours in blazing heat and sun on Thursday, waiting to board trains and buses for transport to refugee centers. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)
Photos of the day - September 17, 2015
匈牙利不滿克羅地亞改變主意送走移民 - BBC 中文网

