2015年9月20日 星期日

The Pope shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro. 教宗方濟各 與 古巴總統劳尔·卡斯特罗/ 斐代爾.卡斯楚 握手

The historic ten-day visit is Francis's first trip to Cuba and the United States after helping broker their historic detente. Pictured: the Pope shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro
Pope Francis greets emotional Cubans in Havana for ten day tour | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3241331/Pope-Francis-arrives-Havana-today-trip-Cuba-United-States-brokering-historic-detente-former-Cold-War-foes.html#ixzz3mIDVwVWc
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