Qualities that were to make Churchill a great war leader came very close to destroying him time and again during his career, as manic optimism and risk-taking plunged him repeatedly into colossal debt. But he became one of Britain's greatst heroes and is here receiving the Honorary Freedom of the City of Westminster
Winston Churchill was saved from bankruptcy by secret backhanders | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3231410/Winston-spendaholic-teetered-brink-bankruptcy-saved-secret-backhanders-new-book-Chuchill-s-finances-reveals-spent-40-000-year-casinos-54-000-booze.html#ixzz3lcAiK663
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©Keystone/Getty Images
10 Winston Churchill Quotes to Throw Around the House This Weekend Scary Mommy
Sir Winston Churchill, former British prime minister, flashes famous “V†sign as he tours constituency of Woodford, England on Oct. 8, 1959. Sir Winston, now nearing 85, rode in an open car in a final bid for a seat in the House of Commons. (AP Photo/Dennis Lee Royle)
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill bids farewell to Queen Elizabeth II at the end of a dinner April 4, 1955 he hosted at No. 10 Downing Street in London. Lady Churchill stands in the doorway as she follows The Queen. This evening is considered to be Churchill's farewell party. Among the other guests will be Sir Anthony Eden, Britain's foreign secretary and Churchill's close associate. Eden is expected to succeed Churchill in Britain's top government job. (AP Photo)
Vice President Richard Nixon shakes hands with Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Washington National Airport on June 29, 1954 as he bid farewell to the British diplomat as he leaves for Canada after a weekend of talks with President Eisenhower on world problems. Sir Anthony Eden, British Foreign Minister, who accompanied Churchill, and United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles are at center. (AP Photo)
A blonde youngster receives a chuck under the chin from Winston Churchill, right, Britain’s wartime Prime Minister, at conclusion of ceremonies at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on May 10, 1947, during which Churchill placed a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The girl is Marie-France Wietzel, daughter of French Admiral Wietzel. At left is Rear Admiral Richard Shelley, British Naval Attache in Paris. (AP Photo/Michael Nash)
Winston Churchill, front car, seated in rear seat waves to hundreds of Virginians standing in the rain on his way to the Capitol building in Richmond, Virginia on March 8, 1946. General Dwight D. Eisenhower is seated in car, saluting. (AP Photo)
Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England with Gen. William Hood Simpson, Commander in Chief of the U.S. 9th Army, tour the ruins of Julich, Germany, on the Siegfried Line, March 7, 1945. (AP Photo)
** FILE ** From left, Soviet Union Premier Josef Stalin, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sit at the Teheran Conference in the capital of Iran, in this Nov. 28, 1943, file photo. Russian President Vladimir Putin is the first Kremlin leader to travel to Iran since Stalin, who attended the 1943 wartime summit with Churchill and Roosevelt to discuss Allied plans for the war against Nazi Germany and for postwar cooperation in the United Nations. (AP Photo/File)
Him Most Times, Robert Hardy
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Winston Churchill, gives his famous "V" sign as he is taken out to "Christina O", a luxury yacht owned by Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, along with his wife, Baroness Spencer-Churchil, whilst on holiday in Morocco. Feb. 23, 1959. (AP Photo)
Hulton Archive via Getty Images
1912: Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965), British Statesman and Prime Minister inspecting the boys from a training ship. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Branger via Getty Images
UNITED KINGDOM - CIRCA 1912: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British politician, giving evidence during the English anarchists' trial in 1912. (Photo by Branger/Roger Viollet/Getty Images)
Ernest H. Mills via Getty Images
1904: English statesman Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965), shortly after he deserted Balfour's Conservative and Unionist Party to become a Liberal, over the Tariff Reform Question. Behind him is a picture of Lord Kitchener. (Photo by Ernest H. Mills/Getty Images)
Winston Churchill (1874-1965), as a young man. Ca. 1900
Hulton Archive via Getty Images
1900: A group of war correspondents in South Africa during the Boer War. Amongst them is a young Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965), middle row second from left, reporting for the Morning Post. The others include: back row, left to right: William Dinwiddie of Harper's Weekly, Alister Campbell of Laffan's News Agency, J Atkins of the Manchester Guardian, Douglas Story of the Daily Mail, GH Seull of the New York Commercial Advertiser, RC Booth of Pearson's War News and RMB Paxton of the Sphere. Middle row, left to right: Basil Gotto of the Daily Express, Churchill, FW Walker of the Daily Express, and MH Donohoe of the Daily Chronicle. Front row, left to right: WB Wollen of the Sphere, JO Knight of the Times and Herald of Chicago and Ernest Prater of the Sphere. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Ernest H. Mills via Getty Images
1904: English statesman Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965), shortly after he deserted Balfour's Conservative and Unionist Party to become a Liberal, over the Tariff Reform Question. Behind him is a picture of Lord Kitchener. (Photo by Ernest H. Mills/Getty Images)
'Boris Johnson Only Politician Today With Winston Churchill's Qualities,' Says Actor Who's Played Him Most Times, Robert Hardy
UniversalImagesGroup via Getty Images
UNSPECIFIED - CIRCA 1800: Winston S. Churchill 1874 to 1965 as Second Lieutenant in the 4th Queen's Own Hussars from A Roving Commission by Winston S. Churchill published by Scribners 1930 (Photo by Universal History Archive/Getty Images)
Keystone-France via Getty Images
UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 01: A photograph of the CHURCHILL's : from right to left, Winston CHURCHILL when aged about 10, Jennie, his mother and wife a Lord Randolph, a Conservative politician, and his younger brother Jack CHURCHILL. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
Hulton Archive via Getty Images
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965) aged 7, later British statesman and prime minister. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
'Boris Johnson Only Politician Today With Winston Churchill's Qualities,' Says Actor Who's Played Him Most Times, Robert Hardy
張貼留言 (Atom)
- Emma Watson, 艾瑪華森
- A Syrian baby cries, 敘利亞嬰兒在哭泣
- Israeli security forces stand guard, 以色列安全部隊站崗
- U.S. President Barack Obama, Russia President Vlad...
- U.S. President Barack Obama and Russia President V...
- US President Barack Obama shakes hands with the Un...
- Hugh Jackman, 休傑克曼
- Selena Gomez, 席琳娜
- Taylor Swift, Mick Jagger. 泰勒絲, 米克傑格
- Anne Hathaway, 安海瑟薇
- Suri Cruise, Katie Holmes. 蘇瑞·克魯斯, 凱蒂·霍爾姆斯
- Kate Mara, 凱特瑪拉
- Jessica Chastain, 杰西卡·查斯坦/ 潔西卡雀絲坦
- Jessica Chastain, The Martian. 杰西卡·查斯坦/ 潔西卡雀絲坦, 火星...
- The Martian , Science fiction novel. 火星任務, 科幻小說
- Matt Damon, 马特·达蒙/ 麥特戴蒙
- Matt Damon, The Martian. 马特·达蒙/ 麥特戴蒙, 火星救援/ 絕地救援
- The Martian, 火星救援/ 絕地救援
- Eva Mendes, 伊娃·门德斯/ 伊娃曼德絲
- Signs of Water Flowing, on Mars. 液態水流動的痕跡
- Mars, 火星
- Cindy Crawford, new memoir. 辛迪·克劳馥/ 超辛蒂克勞馥, 新回憶錄
- Optical illusion dress, 光學錯覺的連衣裙
- Turkish tourists are seen trying to take shelter. ...
- Students takes pictures with their mobile phones. ...
- Saudi forces, in Yemen. 沙烏地阿拉伯部隊在 也门/ 葉門
- Shark net, “unprecedented” spate of encounters. 防鯊...
- An Afghan policeman holds a gun on his shoulder. 富...
- haze in Jambi, Indonesia’s Jambi province. 陰霾
- totally eclipsed Moon, meteor. 完全的月食, 流星
- Lunar eclipse, Total Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse...
- Total Lunar Eclipse, blood moon. 月全食, 血月亮
- Lunar eclipse, eclipse phases. 月食, 月食階段
- The moon enters the maximum eclipse, in Glastonbur...
- Lunar eclipse and Supermoon, Combination picture, ...
- Supermoon, 超級月亮
- Supermoon, Blood Moon, 2015. 超級月亮, 血月, 2015
- Supermoon eclipse, 超級月亮日食
- Typhoon Dujuan, 杜鵑颱風
- Oktoberfest London, 倫敦啤酒節
- People wearing traditional Bavarian costumes, 182n...
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, 阿諾德·施瓦辛格
- Oktoberfest, 慕尼黑啤酒節
- Sophie Cruz, National Mall. 蘇菲克魯茲, 國家林蔭大道
- Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, 諾貝爾和平獎得...
- Pope Francis waves to the crowd, Francis wrapped u...
- Pope Francis, Mass, in Philly. 教宗方濟各, 彌撒, 費城
- Pope US visit, 教宗訪美
- Pope Francis, Franklin Avenue, in Philadelphia. 教宗...
- Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Cathedral Basi...
- Pope Francis in a selfie, at Vatican Embassy. 教宗方濟...
- Pope Francis and President Obama, at the White Hou...
- Pope Francis speaks at the United Nations, at Unit...
- Pope Francis, in America. 教宗方濟各
- Pope Francis, 教宗方濟各
- Pope Francis speaks at Independence Hall in Philad...
- Benjamin Franklin Bridge, 本傑明·富蘭克林大橋
- 182nd Oktoberfest, Alphorn band, in traditional Ba...
- moon, statue, silhouetted. 月亮, 雕像, 剪影
- Milan Fashion Week, in Italy. 米蘭時裝週
- Larry Page, Sergey Brin. 佩奇, 布林
- Google co-founder, Sergey Brin. 谷歌共同創辦人, 布林
- Larry Page, Google CEO. 佩奇
- The creators of the Google engine, Larry Page, Ser...
- Tim Cook, 庫克
- Apple CEO Tim Cook, 蘋果CEO庫克
- Mark Zuckerberg and a pregnant Priscilla Chan. 扎克伯...
- Jeff Bezos, 杰夫·贝佐斯/ 貝索斯/ 貝佐斯
- Jeff Bezos, e-commerce, Founder and CEO of Amazon....
- Marissa Mayer, 玛丽莎·梅耶尔/ 梅麗莎·梅爾
- Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo! 玛丽莎·梅耶尔/ 梅麗莎·梅爾, 雅虎首...
- Teachers' Day, 教師節
- Mark Zuckerberg, co-founders of the social network...
- Sheryl Sandberg, 雪莉·桑德伯格
- Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of ...
- Sheryl Sandberg, David Goldberg. 雪莉·桑德伯格, 戴夫·戈德伯格
- Edward Zuckerberg, 艾德·扎克伯格/ 艾德·祖克柏
- The Zuckerberg family, 扎克伯格家庭/ 祖克柏家庭
- Randi Zuckerberg, 蘭迪·扎克伯格/ 蘭迪·祖克柏
- Priscilla Chan, 普莉希拉・陳
- Mark Zuckerberg, 扎克伯格/ 祖克柏
- Xi Jinping, Mark Zuckerberg. 習近平, 扎克伯格/ 祖克柏
- Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg. 奧巴馬/ 歐巴馬, 扎克伯格/ 祖克柏
- Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan. 祖克柏/ 扎克伯格, 普莉希拉・陳
- puppet, 木偶
- Balloon, An Egyptian girl. 氣球, 埃及女孩
- Selfie, Pope Francis. 自拍, 教宗 方濟各
- 'Thucydides's trap'. '修昔底德陷阱'
- Dandenong Festival of Lights, Melbourne, Australia...
- A villager collects dried branches. 村民收集乾樹枝
- An Israeli army soldier throws a sound grenade at ...
- Bangladeshi trader, 孟加拉商人
- 43 students who disappeared, Mexico. 43名學生失蹤
- Eid al-Adha, 宰牲節
- International Cat Show, in Romania. 國際貓展
- Kristen Stewart, 克莉絲汀·史都華
- Nicole Arbour, actress. 女演員
- Madonna, 瑪丹娜
- giant crab, art installation. 巨型螃蟹, 藝術裝置
- A Latino couple walk with a pinata of Republican p...