2015年10月21日 星期三

A baby is brought to view the Ashura ceremony. 嬰兒被帶去看阿舒拉節儀式

A baby is brought to view the Ashura ceremony, which is commonly conducted in public and viewed by thousands
Crying out in agony and covered in blood, Afghan Shiite Muslims wash away their sins in gory self-flagellation rituals to commemorate death of the Prophet's grandson 1,300 years ago | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3283058/Crying-agony-covered-blood-Afghan-Shiite-Muslims-wash-away-sins-gory-self-flagellation-rituals-commemorate-death-Prophet-s-grandson-1-300-years-ago.html#ixzz3pElh5TsR
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