2015年11月18日 星期三

Paris terror plot mastermind, terrorist, French police and special forces. 巴黎恐怖陰謀策劃者, 恐怖分子, 法國警方和特種部隊

Human cost: A sobbing woman, left, and a man carrying a baby in a pink coat and pyjamas, centre, are surrounded by dozens of masked and armed police evacuating residents from the siege street
Paris suicide bomber screamed ‘Help me’ to French police then blew herself up | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3323196/Shooting-breaks-Paris-suburb-anti-terrorist-operation.html#ixzz3rryx91mm
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Police forces operate in Saint-Denis, a northern suburb of Paris. Police say two suspects in last week's Paris attacks, a man and a woman, have been killed in a police operation north of the capital. Five police officers were injured and a police dog named "Diesel" was killed in the standoff. Police have said the operation is targeting the suspected mastermind of last week's attacks, believed to be holed up in an apartment in Saint-Denis with several other heavily armed suspects.
November 18, 2015

