2015年11月6日 星期五

Protestor, Honduras. 抗議者

Students attack a National Police water cannon vehicle during a protest to demand the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, November 4, 2015. The protesters are calling the United Nations to intervene and establish an anti-impunity commission, similar to the CICIG in neighboring Guatemala, and demand the resignation of Hernandez over a $200 million corruption scandal at the Honduran Institute of Social Security (IHSS), according to local media. (Photo by Jorge Cabrera/Reuters)
Students carry a protestor that fainted during a protest to demand the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, November 4, 2015. (Photo by Jorge Cabrera/Reuters)
The Day in Photos – November 5, 2015

