2015年11月16日 星期一

Special forces, 特種部隊

Operations: Witnesses said they also heard explosions and sounds like gunfire during the operation to surround the top floor flat in Brussels today. One soldier, left, appeared to be in charge and after the gas was fired in troops used a thermal camera to watch the results
Flushed out: Special forces climbed across a roof before they fired tear gas (pictured) through a Velux-type window to flush out a suspect who came out on to a balcony with his arms up. Belgian media claimed this man was Salah Abdeslam
Eagles of Death Metal Paris fans smile before they’re murdered in ISIS gunmen attack | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3320420/Joyous-crowd-wave-smile-enjoy-Eagles-Death-Metal-concert-just-moments-89-murdered-ISIS-gunmen.html#ixzz3rfxQsPLG
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Belgian special force(s police climb high on an apartment block during a raid, in search of suspected muslim fundamentalists linked to the deadly attacks in Paris, in the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek, November 16. 2015. (REUTERS/Yves Herman)
Photos of the day – November 16, 2015
Agentes especiales de policía escalan a un tejado en el barrio bruselense de Molenbeek. /REUTERS
Bélgica detiene a Salah Abdeslam, el terrorista huido tras los ataques | Diario Público

