2015年12月6日 星期日

French far-right leader Marine le Pen, 法國極右派領導人馬琳·勒龐

Britain leaving the EU would be as positive for Europe as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the French far-right leader Marine le Pen has claimed
Britain leaving the EU would be like the fall of the Berlin Wall says Marine le Pen | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3348271/Britain-leaving-EU-like-fall-Berlin-Wall-spell-end-bloc-says-Marine-le-Pen.html#ixzz3tYu2KmcN
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La líder del Front Nacional, Marine Le Pen, en un acte electoral a Lilla. / PASCAL ROSSIGNOL / REUTERS
El Front Nacional, clar favorit a les urnes
Marine Le Pen, ledare för Nationella fronten i Frankrike, under ett möte i Lille i måndags. I morgon röstar fransmännen i regionalvalen och Le Pen spås framgångar. (Foto: Michel Spingler/AP)
Är ni redo för president Marine Le Pen? | Geo
Marine Le Pen, dans la cour de l'Elysée, le 15 novembre 2015. AFP / Stéphane de Sakutin
Quand François Hollande flatte Marine Le Pen - L'Express
法選舉 瑪琳.雷朋率極右派邁向新領域 | 重點新聞 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS
Marine Le Pen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

