2016年1月13日 星期三

Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, large black Labrador. 梅克爾, 普京, 大型黑色拉布拉多犬

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Angela Merkel was photographed looking uncomfortable throughout her meeting with Putin as the large black Labrador wandered around the meeting room Getty Images
Labrador to a meeting | Europe | News | The Independent
In Interview, A Confrontational Putin Takes On NATO | WCQS

Merkel, who is famously terrified of dogs, kept quiet over the 2007 incident but it was widely believed that Putin had been attempting to intimidate and embarrass the German leader
Vladimir Putin says he didnt intend to scare dog-phobic Angela Merkel when he brought his
Labrador to a meeting | Europe | News | The Independent
Military & Defense http://mayhappen3.rssing.com/chan-3310676/all_p365.html
普丁:不知梅克爾怕狗 非故意以狗懾梅 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
陳年舊賬說分明》初次見面就放狗嚇梅克爾?普京:不是故意的-梅克爾|普京|梅克爾 Angela Merkel|拉布拉多|普京 Vladimir Putin|普京 Vladimir Putin|梅克爾 Angela Merkel|梅克爾(Angela Merkel)-風傳媒-李佳恒

