2016年1月14日 星期四

Militants strike Jakarta, co-ordinated suicide bomb and gun attacks, in Jakarta. 武裝分子襲擊雅加達, 策劃自殺式炸彈和槍戰襲擊

A civilian races past the camera as hundreds of people in Jakarta are seen fleeing as a man with a gun walks the street
Fresh explosions are heard in Jakarta hours after terror attack that killed seven | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3398712/explosions-heavy-gunfire-heard-central-Jakarta.html#ixzz3xEvbJGiZ
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Photo: AP
Photo captures gunman in Jakarta ISIS attack | New York Post
A man with a gun was photographed as crowds of people flee. Photo: Reuters
Photo captures gunman in Jakarta ISIS attack | New York Post
Photo captures gunman in Jakarta ISIS attack

