2016年1月3日 星期日

Richmond Park, in south-west London, early 20th century. 里士满公园/ 里奇蒙公園, 倫敦西南部, 20世紀初

Famous faces: But it is not only kings who have taken a shine to the park. Actress Audrey Hepburn is pictured here exercising her dog in Richmond Park after a strenuous season in the London revue 'Sauce Piquante' in May 1950
Audrey Hepburn, Winston Churchill... and lots of deer: Stunning photographs capture life in Richmond Park during early 20th century | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3364533/Audrey-Hepburn-Winston-Churchill-lots-deer-Stunning-photographs-capture-life-Richmond-Park-early-20th-century.html#ixzz3wCLTnhKh
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Richmond Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

里士满公园/ 里奇蒙公園

