2016年1月20日 星期三

Scientific progress is a disaster to humanity, Stephen Hawking. 科學的發展是人類的災難, 霍金

Doomsday warning ... Stephen Hawking says scientific progress is almost certain to bring disaster to planet Earth within the next few thousand years. Picture: David J Hogan/Getty Images
Stephen Hawking says scientific progress is a disaster to humanity: BBC Reith Lectures | The Mercury   http://www.themercury.com.au/news/opinion/stephen-hawking-says-scientific-progress-is-a-disaster-to-humanity/news-story/37b1bff4c804a68259b4255b9542a22e
霍金:科技終將毀滅地球 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
Leo Blanchette/Shutterstock.com
Stephen Hawking says a planetary disaster on Earth is a "near certainty" - ScienceAlert
Stephen Hawking believes scientific progress will threaten humans and destroy Earth - BT

霍金:人類面臨「自食惡果」的致命危險- BBC 中文网 - BBC

