2016年1月8日 星期五

Selfie-snapping, Self-portrait. 自拍快照, 自拍照

You can be in this one too: The monkey even snapped a shot with photographer David Slater in the frame
Black macaque takes self-portrait: Monkey borrows photographer's camera | Daily Mail Online
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Self-portrait photograph (the "monkey selfie")
Self-portrait by the depicted Macaca nigra female; rotated and cropped by David Slater. See article.
File:Macaca nigra self-portrait (rotated and cropped).jpg - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Celebes crested macaque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
黑猴 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Monkey who took selfie can not own copyright to the photo, judge rules - Telegraph
Selfie-snapping monkey in US lawsuit against British photographer


vt.& vi.猛地咬住; 呵斥; 折断
vt.拍照; 用子母扣扣; [棒球]快速传(球); 拍…的快照
n.(树枝等的)突然折断; 严厉的话; 突然的撕咬; 尤指关上或断裂的声音)啪嗒声
vi.啪啪作响; (目光)闪耀; (牙齿等)咯咯作响; (精神)突然崩溃
adj.容易的; 喀嗒一声扣下的; 仓促的
adv.噼啪作响地; 啪嗒一声; 猛然

