2016年1月2日 星期六

West African crowned crane, Pata Zoo, on the top floor of a shopping centre in Bangkok, Thailand. 帕塔動物園, 泰國曼谷購物中心頂樓

A West African crowned crane at the Pata Zoo which is located on the top floor of a shopping centre in Bangkok, Thailand
Photograph: Diego Azubel/EPA
The 20 photographs of the week | Art and design | The Guardian
A view of a West African crowned crane at the Pata Zoo located on the top floor of a shopping center in Bangkok, Thailand, 29 December 2015. Native of wetlands and grasslands of the equatorial West Africa the West African crowned crane is listed as vulnerable by the Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as their numbers in decline mainly due to habitat loss and destruction, as well as over-collection for the pet trade. (Photo by Diego Azubel/EPA)
Animals this Week

