2016年1月7日 星期四

"who appeared to be of Arab or North African origin", sexual assaults. 「看似阿拉伯裔或北非裔」, 性侵犯

German leaders expressed shock over dozens of apparently coordinated sexual assaults against women on New Year's Eve in the western city of Cologne blamed on "Arab-looking men," but warned against anti-migrant scapegoating. Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a thorough investigation of the "repugnant" attacks, ranging from groping to at least one reported rape, allegedly committed in a large crowd of revelers during year-end festivities. Police in Cologne said they had received 90 criminal complaints by Tuesday and quoted witnesses as saying that groups of 20 to 30 young men "who appeared to be of Arab or North African origin" had surrounded victims, assaulted them and in several cases robbed them.
String of New Year assaults spark fresh debate on refugees in Germany - Yahoo

Sexual assault - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

德近百婦女遭千男集體性騷擾 輿論質疑難民 | 難民問題 | 全球 | 聯合新聞網

