2016年3月11日 星期五

A polar bear cub snuggles up against her mother. 一隻小北極熊依偎著她母親

A polar bear cub snuggles up against her mother Valeska, in their enclosure at Bremerhaven's  Zoo, Germany.
March 9, 2016
A polar bear cub snuggles up against her mother Valeska, in their enclosure at Bremerhaven's (Bremen's) Zoo by the Sea, Germany March 9, 2016. The female cub, who is yet to ne named, was born on December 11 last year. (Photo by Carmen Jaspersen/Reuters)
A polar bear cub nuzzles her mother Valeska, in an enclosure at Bremerhaven's (Bremen's) Zoo by the Sea, Germany March 9, 2016. (Photo by Carmen Jaspersen/Reuters)
A polar bear cub is fed by her mother Valeska, in an enclosure at Bremerhaven's (Bremen's) Zoo by the Sea, Germany March 9, 2016. (Photo by Carmen Jaspersen/Reuters)
Polar Bear Cub is Unveiled at German Zoo
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