2016年3月14日 星期一

Anti-Merkel, Right-wing activists protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 反梅克爾, 右翼活動家抗議德國總理梅克爾

Anti-Merkel: Right-wing activists protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Saturday, ahead of Sunday's state elections, the first since the start of the refugee crisis
Angela Merkel's own CDU MP accuses her of acting like a dictator over refugees | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3491197/Angela-Merkel-s-MP-accuses-acting-like-dictator-open-door-refugee-policy-wake-crushing-election-defeat-gave-far-Right-party-big-gains.html#ixzz42u53LvYG
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