2016年3月25日 星期五

Bosnian War, 波斯尼亞戰爭

Sarajevans run for cover to avoid shelling from Serb irregulars on the streets of the Bosnian capital on July 12, 1992, during the Siege of Sarajevo. Now, pedestrian and vehicle traffic are more leisurely along the same stretch of road in Sarajevo's Skenderija district on March 21, 2016. (Pascal Guyot and Elvis Barukcic / AFP/Getty Images)
Bosnian War: Sarajevo then and now - LA Times
Refugees are transported on a UN truck as they flee the besieged enclave of Srebrenica in 1993Pascal Guyot/AFP
Srebrenica massacre: 'We lost over 50 members of our family in July 1995'
13 July 1995: Bosnian Muslims flee Srebrenica after Bosnian Serbs overran the former "safe area"Reuters
Srebrenica Massacre: Anniversary of 1995 Genocide Carried Out by Serb Forces During Bosnian War

