2016年3月24日 星期四

Brussels terror attacks, two explosions rocked Brussels Airport, Brussels Metro explosion. 布魯塞爾恐怖襲擊, 兩起爆炸震撼布魯塞爾機場, 布魯塞爾地鐵爆炸

First attack: At least 14 people have died and dozens injured after two explosions rocked Brussels Airport in a terror attack this morning
Search for missing Kentucky couple Justin and Stephanie Shults after Brussels terror attacks goes on | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3506852/American-couple-missing-Brussels-terror-attacks-injured-desperate-search-New-York-siblings-continues.html#ixzz43oQfA44S
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Brussels attacks: as it happened – POLITICO

