2016年3月13日 星期日

Demis Hassabis, Lee Sedol, Eric Schmidt. 哈薩比斯, 李世石, 施密特

Google's AlphaGo A.I. Wins First Match Against Top-Ranked Lee Se-dol | Inverse
【影片】守護人腦之戰 韓國圍棋王李世石大戰電腦AlphaGo|香港01|國際|
Lee Se-Dol (C), a legendary South Korean player of Go - a board game widely played for centuries in East Asia - poses with Google Deepmind head Demis Hassabis (L) and Eric Schmidt (R), the executive chairman of Google owner Alphabet JUNG YEON-JE/AFP/Getty Images
Google's DeepMind AI will take on a Go champ tomorrow night
South Korean professional Go player Lee Sedol, right, shakes hands with the CEO of Google DeepMind Demis Hassabis, on Tuesday. Lee Jin-man / AP
'Go' Matches Between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo Push AI Boundaries - NBC News
South Korea’s Lee Sedol (R), the world’s top Go player, shakes hands with Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind Technologies and developer of AlphaGO, after a news conference ahead of matches against Google’s artificial intelligence program AlphaGo, in Seoul, South Korea, March 8, 2016. Go is an ancient Chinese board game, where players battle for more ground. (Reuters)
Computer AI Trounces Go Champ; UN Slams UK Web Snooping « Techtonics

