2016年4月9日 星期六

Sam, Stuffed dog, Toy dog. 山姆, 填充狗, 玩具狗

Perro de peluche alcanza la estratosfera
Sam the cuddly toy dog flies high in the sky after taking off from Morecambe, England Tuesday April 5, 2016 attached to a special camera and a helium balloon. Sending the toy dog into the sky was part of a science project by Morecambe Bay Community Primary School which joined forces with a local hotel . The toy dog reached an altitude of 12 miles above the earth's surface. (Photo by Morecambe Bay Community Primary School and English Lakes Hotels Resorts & Venues via AP Photo)
Sam the cuddly toy dog takes off from Morecambe England Tuesday April 5, 2016 attached to a special camera and a helium balloon. (Photo by Morecambe Bay Community Primary School and English Lakes Hotels Resorts & Venues via AP Photo)
The Day in Photos – April 9, 2016
上太空後鬧失蹤 英尋狗啟事引爆社群 - Yahoo奇摩新聞

