2016年6月7日 星期二

Veronica Porche, Muhammad Ali's ex-wife. 阿里的前妻

Muhammad Ali’s ex-wife reveals details about their secret wedding | For The Win
Muhammad Ali, pictured with his 3rd wife Veronica Ali and daughter, Hana, died aged 74 after a 32-year-battle with Parkinson's disease
Farewell to the Louisville Lip: Muhammad Ali's hometown says goodbye to its favorite son after the greatest boxer ever dies aged 74 following 32-year battle with Parkinson's | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3624910/Muhammad-Ali-dies-aged-74-Legendary-boxer-passes-away-family-day-rushed-hospital-difficulty-breathing.html#ixzz4AhK14iL6
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