2013年2月16日 星期六

Knut, polar bear. 克努特, 北極熊.

Arnd Wiegmann / Reuters
Feb. 15 Photo Brief: Lemon festival in France, Knut on display in Germany, chewable art in Ukraine http://darkroom.baltimoresun.com/2013/02/feb-15-photo-brief-lemon-festival-in-france-knut-on-display-in-germany-chewable-art-in-ukraine/#1
Knut plays with a blanket during the bear's first presentation in Berlin zoo on March 23, 2007.
Polar bear sensation Knut immortalized in Berlin museum - PhotoBlog http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/15/16975644-polar-bear-sensation-knut-immortalized-in-berlin-museum?lite
The resurrection of Knut: Model of celebrity polar bear, made using his actual pelt, goes on display two years after he died a heart attack | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2279581/The-resurrection-Knut-Model-celebrity-polar-bear-using-actual-pelt-goes-display-years-died-heart-attack.html
A Multimedia Presentation. A Farewell to One of God’s Beasts… Knut the Polar Bear « Voices from Russia http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2011/03/23/a-multimedia-presentation-a-farewell-to-one-of-gods-beasts-knut-the-polar-bear/
Photo: © Zoo Berlin, Peter Griesbach
ECCO 15 - ESMO34 http://old.ecco-org.eu/01/mailforms/congressupdate409.htm
GRR - Addio piccolo Knut http://www.rai.it/dl/grr/fotonotizie/ContentItem-9627bf42-6703-4f05-9b7d-82b7d3e1c357.html
A Multimedia Presentation. A Farewell to One of God’s Beasts… Knut the Polar Bear « Voices from Russia http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2011/03/23/a-multimedia-presentation-a-farewell-to-one-of-gods-beasts-knut-the-polar-bear/

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