2013年2月8日 星期五

Nail houses, 釘子戶

Yangji, Guangdong province. 廣東省

Wenling, Zhejiang province.  浙江省
You're surrounded! Hard-line developers in China divert a RIVER to encircle householders who refused to move from 900-year-old village | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2274993/Youre-surrounded-Hard-line-developers-China-divert-RIVER-encircle-householders-refused-900-year-old-village.html#axzz2KJUdPBXN

A man rides his bicycle past a partially demolished building in the middle of a street next to residential construction sites in Xi’an, China. A family of seven still lived in the three-storey building without electricity or water after a demolition project in the region took place in 2010.
FT Photo Diary | A blog from the Financial Times  http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/page/2/

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