2013年3月1日 星期五

Space 太空

photos by Steve Nilsen
Moon halo, in Kvæfjord, Troms, Norway.月亮光暈
Spotlight on a halo
A halo appears around the moon in Kvæfjord, Troms, Norway, on Feb. 19, 2013. Such halos occur when moonlight is refracted by ice crystals in the atmosphere.
Chris Hadfield / CSA via Twitter
Cloud animal
A cloud over the Sahara Desert - and its shadow - are seen from the International Space Station on Feb. 17. "There is an undeniable beauty in human imagination," Hadfield wrote in a Twitter tweet. "What do you see in this Saharan cloud?"
Yekaterina Pustynnikova / Chelyabinsk.ru via AP
Strange streak
The trail of a meteor is seen over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15. The meteor streaked across the sky and blew up, releasing as much energy as an atomic bomb and setting off a shock wave. About 1,200 people were injured, most of them by flying glass from broken windows.
Youngest black hole?
This Chandra X-Ray Observatory image, obtained Feb. 26, shows a highly distorted supernova remnant that may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The color-coded composite image of the supernova remnant W49B combines X-rays from Chandra (blue and green), radio data from the Very Large Array (pink) and infrared data from the Palomar Observatory (yellow).
Ignacio Diaz Bobillo / Pampaskies.com
Coming attraction
Comet PanSTARRS glows with a fanlike tail in this image captured by Argentine astrophotographer Ignacio Diaz Bobillo on Feb. 15. The comet is expected to reach naked-eye visibility in the Northern Hemisphere in early March.
Jesse Allen / Robert Simmon  / NASA via Reuters
A volcano's blast
Italy’s Mount Etna erupts in a Feb. 19 image from NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite. Each outburst, or paroxysm, produces an “emission of lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars and an ash cloud,” according to the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia.
Chris Hadfield / Canadian Space Agency via Twitter
Alien desert
Arid fingers of sand-blasted rock look as if they're barely holding on against the hot Saharan wind in this view captured from the International Space Station on Feb. 20.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington via Reuters
Mercury in living color
The planet Mercury takes on exaggerated hues in this NASA photo, released Feb. 22. The false-color picture was produced using data from the Messenger mission's color base map imaging campaign. The colors enhance the chemical, mineralogical and physical differences in the rocks that make up Mercury's surface
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/EPA
Loops of power
Magnetic loops rise from the sun's surface, as seen in an image captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Such loops lie at the heart of eruptions on the sun known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. The image was captured on July 19, 2012, and released to the public on Feb. 20, 2013.
Chris Hadfield / CSA via Twitter
Clouds over the coast
Morning clouds cast shadows off the coast of China on Feb. 9, in this view from the International Space Station.
ESO via AFP - Getty Images
Celestial bird
An image from the European Southern Observatory, released Feb. 4, shows the intricate structure of part of the Seagull Nebula, also known as IC 2177. These wisps of gas and dust form part of the "wings" of the celestial bird. This new view of the region was captured by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at the ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile.
nbcnews-Month in Space: February 2013 http://www.nbcnews.com/id/50974742/displaymode/1247?beginSlide=1
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