2013年5月14日 星期二

Underwater Photography, 水下攝影

2013 Imaging Contest Winners
Second Place: Up View
Francis Perez - Canary Islands, Spain

Peter G. Allinson - Kingsville, Maryland

First Place: Minke
Phil Sokol

Second Place: Kiss in the Blue
Montse Grillo - Tenerife  Spain

Third Place: Birth
 Montse Grillo

Third Place: Great White Smile
Todd Bretl - Seattle  WA

Must Be and Angle
Filip Staes - Mechelen Belgium

Honorable Mention: Rays
Pietro Cremone

Honorable Mention: Reflection of a Pink Waterlily
Fredrik Ehrenström - Gunnilse Sweden
2013 Imaging Contest Winners http://www.beneaththesea.org/imaging-competition/2013-imaging-contest-winners/51905

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