2014年3月12日 星期三

Edward Snowden, US whistleblower, former National Security Agency employee, paper mask, US’s surveillance programme, Members of the European Parliament. 愛德華·斯諾登, 美國告密者/ 吹哨者, 前國家安全局僱員, 紙面具, 美國的監視計劃, 歐洲議會議員

Patrick Seeger/EPA
European Parliament supports Snowden
Members of the European Parliament hold paper masks depicting US whistleblower and former National Security Agency employee Edward Snowden during a vote in Strasbourg on the US’s surveillance programme and its impact on the rights of EU citizens
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 (AFP) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/2#sthash.QF2MHzS0.dpuf
Members of the European Parliament hold portraits of Edward Snowden up during a voting session on the NSA surveillance programme in Strasbourg.Reuters
Hot Shots Photos of the Day: Elephant Buffet, Inflatable Moon, Serpentine Pavilion
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