2014年3月18日 星期二

Fife, Pipe, Bagpipes. 横笛, 管樂器, 風笛

Bagpipes, Bagpiper. 風笛, 風笛手
Andrew Burton / Getty Images
A bagpiper marches in the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade along Fifth Ave in Manhattan on March 17, in New York City.
St. Patrick's Day Celebrations From Dublin to NYC - NBC News.com
MARCH 17: A bagpiper marches in the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade along Fifth Ave in Manhattan. Political controversy surrounded this year's parade, as New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio decided not to march due to the parade organizer's policy to ban participants that identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Heineken and Guinness announced earlier that they would drop their sponsorship of the parade for the same reasons. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
Pictures of the Week: 03.16 — 03.22 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
Members of the Wantagh American Legion Band, Wantagh, Long Island, perform while marching during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 17, 2014, in New York. (Gordon Donovan/Yahoo News)
The Nutmeg Volunteers Fife and Drum Corp from Orange County, N.J., marches during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 17, 2014, in New York. (Gordon Donovan/Yahoo News)
The County Tyrone Society Pipe Band marches up Fifth Ave. during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 17, 2014, in New York. (Gordon Donovan/Yahoo News)
The FDNY Emerald Society Bagpipes march their way up Fifth Ave. during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 17, 2014, in New York. (Gordon Donovan/Yahoo News)
NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade

Fife 横笛
Fife (instrument) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pipe 管樂器
Pipe (instrument) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
n.管子; 烟斗; 管乐器; (管风琴的)音管

Bagpipes 風笛
Bagpipes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
風笛 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
n. 风笛手;吹风笛的人
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