2014年3月3日 星期一

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2013. 2013年國家地理旅行者攝影大賽

Flying Monk: Young monks begin their service very early in life in their studies in the monastery. This monk was young and energetic and decided to "fly" in his exuberance for life. Bonnie Stewart /National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Gentoo Chicks: Two newly hatched Gentoo Penguin chicks get their first glimpse at the Antarctic wilderness. Richard Sidey/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
A Rare Reflection: Returning from a snorkeling excursion during a trip to the Great Barrier Reef, wind speed dropped to zero and the ocean became a mirror. As the horizon disappeared, only the seaplane, sitting confidently between the blue elements, provided a sense of space and felt like a link to the rest of the world. Christian Roth/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Sheikh Zayed Mosque: A reflection of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in the basin of the fountain opposite the mosque, where the main dome of the mosque appears. Dhafer Al shehri/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Reykjavik Sunset Windows: I was photographing the sunset over Reykjavik Harbor, Iceland, near sunset (around 11:30 p.m.). While sitting there with my tripod waiting, I turned around and saw this beautiful abstract reflection in the windows of the office building behind me. Dana Clemons /National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Swim with Jellyfish: Its like a dream when u swimming with harmless jellyfish... CheanChong Lim/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Men on buses: Passengers make their way through rush-hour traffic in one of Dhaka's public buses. Kristian Leven/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2013: A Sneak Peek At The Editors’ Favorites
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