2014年3月12日 星期三

Relatives, tear gas canister, farewell, in Istanbul. 親屬, 催淚瓦斯罐, 告別

Bulent Kilic/AFP
Berkin Elvan farewell in Turkey
Relatives of Berkin Elvan cry as his coffin is carried on Tuesday in Istanbul. The teenager died on Tuesday after being in a coma since June 2013 after being struck in the head by a gas canister during a police crackdown on protesters. The teenager, the eighth person to be killed in the Gezi Park protests, has become one of the prime symbols of violence faced by protesters throughout the nationwide Gezi demonstrations.
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 (AP / Emrah Gurel) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/3#sthash.8yXloYoQ.dpuf
MARCH 11: Family members cry as people carry the coffin of Berkin Elvan, a Turkish teenager who was in a coma since being hit in the head by a tear gas canister fired by police during the summer's anti-government protests, in Istanbul. The 15-year old's death in an Istanbul hospital, nine months after he fell into a coma, looks likely to spark new protests in Turkey. Elvan was caught up in the protests on his way to a shop to buy bread. (Emrah Gurel/Associated Press)
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Turkey Mourns Teenager Caught in Police Crackdown - NBC News.com
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Berkin Elvan's sister Ozge reacts as his coffin approaches the Okmeydani cemevi, an Alevi place of worship, in Istanbul.Reuters
Berkin Elvan's mother Gulsum Elvan is supported by other women in Istanbul.Reuters
Berkin Elvan's coffin arrives at the Okmeydani cemevi, a place of worship.Reuters
A woman mourns next to posters reading "Berkin is immortal" near Okmeydani Cemevi in Istanbul.Reuters
Turkey Protests Sparked by Death of Berkin Elvan, Teenager Hit by Police Tear Gas Canister
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