2014年12月19日 星期五

web addiction, internet addiction, Internet addiction disorder (IAD), Are you addicted to the internet? 網癮, 網絡成癮, 網路成癮症, 你沉迷於網絡嗎?

Are YOU addicted to the internet? Study finds 6% of people around the world - that's a staggering 182 million - now struggle to stay offline.
Researchers searched online databases for previous academic papers that referenced internet addiction. From this, they chose 80 global studies, covering reports of addiction across 31 nations in seven regions. The study revealed that the prevalence of internet addiction across these 31 nations averaged at 6 per cent
Study finds 6% of people around the world are addicted to the internet | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2880344/Are-addicted-internet-Study-finds-6-people-world-s-staggering-182-million-struggle-stay-offline.html#ixzz3MN4WTXz2
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Internet addiction disorder - 網路成癮症;嗜網症
Internet addiction disorder
縮寫: IAD
Internet addiction disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
網路成癮症 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

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