2013年7月24日 星期三

Rosalind Franklin 羅莎琳·富蘭克林

Google Doodle, 英國物理化學家與晶體學家 羅莎琳·富蘭克林 93歲誕辰

This photo from 1961 shows Pearl I. Young at the NACA Langley Instrument Research Laboratory. She was hired by the University to teach physics, a role that typically was served by men. In 1921, there were 21 female and 864 male physicists in the United States. Most of the women were college teachers, hired by women's colleges. There was only one woman physicist working for the federal government at that time, and she worked for the National Bureau of Standards.
Women In Physics: No Hiring Bias Against Female Faculty Seen In American Institute Of Physics Study http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/23/women-in-physics-statistics-hiring-bias-female-faculty_n_3635710.html
The Rosalind Franklin Papers: The Holes in Coal: Research at BCURA and in Paris, 1942-1951: Visuals
Rosalind Franklin: Crick and Watson’s uncredited collaborator | World Facts http://world-facts.net/2004/07/30/rosalind_franklin_cr/
File:DNA Furchen.png - Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DNA_Furchen.png
Rosalind Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalind_Franklin

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