2014年6月11日 星期三

Students of Chile, 智利學生

Un manifiestante sostiene una bandera de Chile durante una marcha convocada por la Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile (CONFECH) el martes 10 junio de 2014, para demandar una enseñanza pública gratuita y de calidad, tras manifestar su escepticismo frente a las reformas anunciadas por el Gobierno de Michelle Bachelet, en Santiago, Chile. (EFE/MARIO RUIZ) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ctfR3UER.dpuf
Students clash with riot police during a protest against the Government’s education reform in Santiago on June 10, 2014. (AFP PHOTO/Claudio ReyesClaudio Reyes/AFP/Getty Images)
Students clash with riot police during a protest against the Government’s education reform in Santiago. (Claudio Reyes/Getty Images)
A protester kicks a policeman during a student demonstration in Santiago, Chile, Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Tens of thousands of students protested in Chile demanding education reform since President Michelle Bachelet took power on promises of deep changes. (AP Photo / Luis Hidalgo)
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Photos June 10: Top images from around the world | canada.com
World Cup fever heats up, Taxi drivers stop traffic across Europe, protest in Chile and Yemen | June 11
JUNE 10: A protester is detained by a policeman during clashes at a student demonstration in Santiago, Chile. Tens of thousands of students have protested in Chile demanding education reform since President Michelle Bachelet took power on promises of deep changes. (Luis Hidalgo/Associated Press)
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Pictures of the Week: 06.08 — 06.14 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
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