2015年8月16日 星期日

migrant, 3-day transit visas, from Macedonia to Serbia. 移民, 3天的過境簽證, 馬其頓往塞爾維亞

Chaotic station scenes: Migratns desperately attempt to pile in through the windows for the train bound for Serbia
Crush hour! Migrants desperate to start a new life in the West jam themselves onto trains heading from Macedonia to Serbia | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3199958/Crush-hour-Migrants-desperate-start-new-life-West-jam-trains-heading-Macedonia-Serbia.html#ixzz3izj6kDgH
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A policeman tries to stop a migrant from boarding a train through a window at Gevgelija train station in Macedonia, close to the border with Greece, August 15, 2015. In the past month, an estimated 30,000 refugees have passed through Macedonia, another step in their uncertain search for a better life in western Europe. (REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov)
Migrants rush to board a train at Gevgelija train station in Macedonia, close to the border with Greece, August 15, 2015. In the past month, an estimated 30,000 refugees have passed through Macedonia, another step in their uncertain search for a better life in western Europe. (REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov)
A Syrian boy is hugged by his mother moments after they arrived at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the Aegean sea from Turkey to Greece, August 15, 2015. (REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis)
Photos of the day - August 15, 2015

